Remembering, “No One Owes You Anything”

Being a Financial Advisor and eventually an entrepreneur, I get told no a lot.

And it used to bug me. Mainly because I know what I do matters and it can help people. So, it stung a little. And I would get a little annoyed. Heck, I sometimes still do.

But I recently came across a potent reminder from the incredible Amelia Boone, the most dominant figure in obstacle course racing and a four-time world champion.

She said, "No one owes you anything."

At first glance, the quote seems harsh. But if you delve deeper, it's a powerful proclamation of empowerment and self-reliance. 

Here's what I took from it:

Own Your Journey: 

We are the architects in our careers and lives. Waiting for opportunities or expecting them can lead to disappointment. Instead, we must pave our paths, make connections, and chase our dreams. 

This is what led me to start Ring The Bell Coaching.

Foster Genuine Relationships: 

We can build more authentic, meaningful relationships when we drop the expectation that others should serve our needs. People can sense when you value them for who they are and not just what they can offer. 

In my life, once I stopped acting as if every interaction was about some angle to get them to be a client, and instead, about being curious and getting to know them or genuinely looking to catch up with someone, it made all the difference. Mainly because I kept caring or putting undue pressure on myself to 'close,' instead, I started listening and having fun.

Cultivate Gratitude: 

Recognizing that no one owes us anything makes us more appreciative of the kindness, help, and opportunities we receive. It shifts our perspective to a place of gratitude. 

We have been told we should have a gratitude journal or something similar. I don't, and I don't plan to. It just isn't my style. However, instead of journaling to myself, one of my favorite things to do is send handwritten notes, but over the past year, I have gotten away from it. 

And, as I write this, I plan to start it back up.

Resilience & Growth: 

Every challenge faced with the mindset of self-reliance develops our resilience. When we know that we can depend on ourselves, we become unstoppable.

When I first started my journey into the financial advisor world, and eventually entrepreneurship, the business head of the company I was leaving sat me down and was trying to figure out what role and amount of compensation would keep me from going.

And it dawned on me.

If this company believed in me that much, it was time for me to start believing in myself that much, too.

Let's embrace this mindset of empowerment. Not in a way that hardens us but in a way that fuels our growth, gratitude, and authentic connections.


Clayton Boone is the founder of Ring The Bell Coaching. He lives in Austin, TX, with his wife, Katelyn, their two boys, Remington and Lincoln, and their Labradoodle, Dallas. He can regularly be found building Legos, painting Warhammer 40k, or outside with his boys, enjoying a good Friday Happy Hour with Kate, or riding his bike around Austin.

Ring The Bell Coaching provides Financial Advisor Coaching and Training in four categories.

  1. Business Development

  2. Written and Verbal Client Communication

  3. Sales Process and Automation

  4. Leadership Development

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