The one conversation that changed my entire career trajectory.

When I was 35, I attended a private conversation with Arnold Schwarzenegger.

I sat in the main forum at Dimensional Fund Advisors (DFA) with less than 70 people. Arnold spent the next hour talking about his life, his experiences, the decisions he made, and the actions he took that would define who he is and his future success. I was with my DFA colleagues, but I felt he was talking to only me. Which blew my mind because I expected the conversation to be very prepared and canned, but instead, it was humorous, personal, and truly inspiring.

There, I realized my career and the success I desired was my responsibility.

I decided to live by Arnold's 6 Keys to Success when I left.

  1. Trust yourself

  2. Break the rules

  3. Don't be afraid to fail

  4. Never listen to naysayers

  5. Work hard

  6. Give back

I started to wake up at 4:30 am, become a student of my industry and take time and 'intentionally practice.'

I developed a vision for what I wanted, set goals, and adhered to daily disciplines.

I started to look at everything as an experiment instead of success vs. failure.

I surrounded myself with people with a growth mindset and started working with a professional coach.

I started volunteering and investing back into the community.

But 4 years later, something was still missing. So...

I quit my job and started Ring The Bell Coaching.

Though my transition to following these principles will never be complete, I am closer than ever.

  1. Trust yourself.

    1. If I was going to achieve my goals, I had to take responsibility for them. Being an entrepreneur was the biggest test of my trust in myself.

  2. Break the rules

    1. I focus on working with Solo and Emerging Advisors. Everyone told me this was unprofitable and I should focus on working with Sr. Financial Advisors and Executives because they were the ones who could afford to hire a coach.

  3. Don't be afraid to fail

    1. Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics show that approximately 20% of new businesses fail during the first two years of being open, 45% during the first five years, and 65% during the first 10 years. Only 25% of new businesses make it to 15 years or more.

  4. Never listen to naysayers

    1. My biggest naysayer is Jim. He knows my deepest fears and can be negative, relentless, and very convincing. I chose to ignore him, even though he is in my life every day. Jim is my inner voice.

  5. Work hard

    1. At first, I thought this meant doing everything all the time; waking up early, sacrificing my physical and mental health, personal and family relationships, and hobbies to succeed. I have come to realize that there is a difference between busy and productive. I am uncompromisingly productive. And I work very hard not to be busy. And it has changed my life and business dramatically in a positive way.

  6. Give back

    1. I will donate 5% of RTB's revenue/time in 2023 to local charities supporting our community's betterment.

I share this story because no one will give you the career and success you desire for yourself. You have to be willing to take responsibility for your outcomes and find ways or people who can help you stay accountable for your goals. For me, it has been working with some incredible coaches and having a set of principles that guide my daily disciplines.

What will you do to further your goals in 2023 and beyond?

Ring The Bell Coaching provides coaching for Financial Advisors on:

  1. Filling the funnel through Client and COI referrals

  2. The sales process, the questions they ask, and the ‘pitch’ they make

  3. Communicating investment concepts and answering client questions

     Get Coaching for Financial Advisors

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