A Simple Framework for More Engaging Presentations

At the beginning of every coaching session, I set an agenda with the client.

I use a framework called TGOAL.

T = Topic for today's session

G = Goal for today's session

O = Objective. How will the client will measure the success of today's session

A = Why is achieving this goal important to you

L = Let the client lead the session by asking what they feel the need to address or resolve in order to achieve their goal

In practice, it sounds like this…

Me: What topic do you want to discuss in today's session?

Client: I want to talk about how I can develop better relationships with COIs

Me: What is the goal you want to achieve by the end of today's session as it relates to developing better relationships with COIs?

Client: I want to identify a few steps I can take to start developing better relationships with COIs

Me: How will you know we have achieved success in today's session regarding your goal?

Client: If I have some actionable steps I can work on between now and our next session

Me: Why is it important to you to develop better relationships with COIs

Client: I believe they are a vital part of the client experience while also a pathway to meeting new clients

Me: What do you believe is the first thing you need to address to achieve your goal?

Client: Let the client lead the session from here….


Not only is TGOAL a powerful framework for setting the agenda for coaching sessions, but it is also informative when preparing for a presentation.

It helps clarify the topic and what you want the audience to take away.

For example, I gave a presentation to a group of advisors recently.

When building the presentation, I went through TGOAL to clarify the goal of the presentation, how I will know I achieved my goal, and why it is important to the audience.

(Small but essential nuance; why it is important to the audience, not me.)

What is the Topic of the presentation?

What is the Goal of the presentation?

  • The audience should know each energy level they experience daily and how it impacts their potential.

What is the objective?

  • If the audience can provide examples of how each level shows up for them

Why is achieving this goal important to your audience?

  • So they can be aware when they are experiencing a certain level of energy and make a conscious choice to move up or down the various energy levels to increase their potential.

Let the client lead; what do I need to address to achieve my goal…

  • I needed to create stories for each energy level so the audience can see themselves in the stories and understand the levels better.


Please look at any presentation you are giving in the next couple of weeks and take it through the TGOAL framework. I promise your audience will thank you for it.


Ring The Bell Coaching provides Financial Advisor Coaching and Training in four categories.

  1. Business Development

  2. Client Communication

  3. Executive Leadership

  4. Sales and Practice Management


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