Missed Opportunities

You're with family, friends, and acquaintances, and after 10 minutes, someone asks...

'How is work?'

What a simple and casual question.

But, this question, 'how is work,' can be an incredible business development opportunity to engage with someone and share what you do.

Unfortunately, most of us almost always stay surface-level when answering this question.

'Work is good; we are growing,' or 'It's fine, we are working on a project that we need to land, and it is taking up so much of my time,' or insert some other boring and vague answer.

What if, instead, you answered it with a story? A story about something you helped a client with that relates to the person you are talking to?

How is work?

It is good but challenging. As you can imagine, we have been fielding many calls about the potential banking crises and the market. However, we have been able to meet with nearly all of our clients over the past two weeks, talk about their fears, and re-run their financial plans to account for this uncertainty. Generally, one of two things happens. First, they almost always say thank you; this makes me feel much better. And second, even some have surprised us by moving more money into the portfolio.

How is work?

It's pretty cool. We just had our first review meeting with a couple who we helped figure out how they could retire early with their current assets. Essentially, they have two kids, and both had demanding jobs plus a one-hour commute to work. As you can imagine, they were getting burned out and felt like retirement was so far away. So asked, what if it wasn't? And we helped them solve how much they would need to get from selling the house they were in, how much they could buy a new house for, and how much income they needed to keep the lifestyle they are used to.

Fast forward a year later. They sold the house, moved to a completely different state, and she now consults for about 10-15 hours a week, and he works at a bicycle shop. They have never been happier.

Granted, they invested the difference from the homes in the market and moved to a cheaper area with a significantly lower cost of living, but it was all worth it to them.

So, how is work?

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Ring The Bell Coaching provides Financial Advisor Coaching and Training in four categories

  1. Business Development

  2. Client Communication

  3. Executive Leadership

  4. Sales and Practice Management


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