We have all heard about goal planning.

And you have likely heard about setting SMART goals, too.


  • They need to be clear and concise.

    • I will increase my referrals from COI's.

      • I like to say 'will' instead of 'want' when writing goals; it makes it seem more intentional.


  • There needs to be a way to measure them so you can see your progress.

    • I want to increase my referrals from 3 to 7.


  • Make it something that you can actually do.  

    • Going from 3 to 11 is achievable. But, it is a stretch.

    • Going from 3 to 20 is likely not possible.


  • Is it relevant to your long-term vision?

    • I want to grow my practice. - Yep.

  • Does it align with your values? 

    • I want to grow my practice through 'warm introductions' - Yep.

  • If your goal doesn't align with your vision and values, it may not be the right goal, and you could be setting yourself up for failure before you even begin.


  • Make it time-bound.

    • I will increase my referrals from COI's from 3 to 11 in 2023.

So why do so many people still not achieve their goals?

Likely, because they are not taking AIM at the 'right' goals.

AIM looks to build off the SMART goal framework by helping you set realistic goals that motivate instead of de-motivate.


  • What is the minimum you can do to achieve your goal?


  • What is the maximum you can do to achieve your goal?


  • What is in the middle? (This is your realistic stretch goal, btw.)

So, let's look at our initial goal and use AIM to improve it.


  • I will use last year's referral number as a base level

    • 3 referrals from COI's.


  • I will use my original thought of 11 referrals from COI's as the ideal outcome.


  • The middle ground between 3 and 11 is 7.

So I will re-write my goal as…

I will increase my referrals via COI's from 3 to 7 in 2023.

My AIM goal is likely much more achievable and one I can keep striving for, even if I don't get a referral from a COI in a given month.

I coach Financial Advisors on:

  1. Filling the funnel through Client and COI referrals

  2. Their sales process, the questions they ask, and the ‘pitch’ they make

  3. Communicating investment concepts and answering client questions

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